Tuesday, December 27, 2011

You know those moments?
The 'I think I'm actually doing this' or I'm really stopping' moments?
I just had one.

I'm laying on my friends couch(2:30am) thinking I'll nod off soon,
when something a good friends said earlier that day came back to me, she had
told me that she could really see me doing a blog,a blog of me documenting what I wore
and how it came to be.

I almost told her " funny you should say that..." but I really enjoy having this lil' guy
as a secret,something you just have to find on your own.

Wow,second paragraph.
Major run-on sentence.
....I am ok with that.

Well,believe it or not,this post has a purpose
1.I couldn't sleep and this is better that watching more HIMYM.
and 2....well 2. this that I'm going to pursue the 'I'm actually doing this' moment.

So from this day forth I shall blog, photo or song or words,whatever it takes.
If it means that for two weeks you all know exactly what I had breakfast,dinner and supper.

So be it!

OK..I better head to bed.

Oh,since these past few days have been holiday parties it seems right to show you a few photos.

Brit,Hannah,me and Sarah.
sister,sister, pseudo sister,sister
Papa and I went to see Hairspray and surprised some
                                                                 good friends of ours.


All us kiddos admiring a movie from M&P
                                                                       We vary in color

My mother and aunt being themselves.

sleep well or work well depending on when you're reading this and merry christmas

Minnesota(or at least the part that I live in)didn't get a white christmas.
Not ok.

1 comment:

  1. I found you! And then..I pinned you.
