Saturday, April 30, 2011

Empty coffee pots.

I've missed a few days haven't I?

You wanna know the reason? don't really have one.

So here's a photo of what I have been doing!

Pots de Creme!

I go the recipe from this wonderful lady...

Check her out,she's pretty neat.

later skaters


Asos dress
$14 -

Cooperative shoulder strap bag
$30 -

Feather necklace
$50 -

Pins and Needles floppy straw hat
$39 -

Hannah V.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Bake french fries and fried ham....

Preheat oven to ^...

 Potatoes (washed)

Next,halve the spuds,then halve those halves and then halve the halves that have been halved.

                                                                  See what I mean!

Throw the halves in a bowl

Cut some butter

Throw butter in bowl

And if you're like me,you didn't melt the butter prier,just nuke the spuds
until melted.

Add some chopped onions (optional)

Season! I used parsley.

Black pepper!

Seasoned salt(don't be hatin')

I used a fork to combine everything but I give you permission to use your hands(it's fun!!)


Slice it how you like it..

Pop 'em in the oven

SPRAY GRILL(make sure to yell while you spray,it really adds something to the ham)

Esme,working hard.

Steal...I mean borrow siblings to help you with food!

Grill ham..yum.

Esme invented ham fries...

Make yummy salad with whatever's in the frig.

Set table for ten.

After about 20 mins flip/move around the fries and bake another 20 mins.

After that you've got yourself mighty tasty meal

Go forth and make men happy(or at least satisfied until supper)

My mother's 50th(monday) looked a little like this....


Mother in center with black hair

P.S. I'm going to post a food post later today...
don't everyone get excited at once!!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

How to start a fire...

Gather up some newspaper,lighter,sticks(from last fall) and diesel ... the normal campfire stuff

Pour little diesel on top...

Stuff some newspaper in the sticks....

Light the newspaper...

Ta da! Fire baby!

(add more diesel as needed)

go forth and make campfires!

Saturday, April 23, 2011


So I had my first campfire of the year.
It was great.

You wanna see a photo of it? I thought you'd never ask!

Yeah for diesel.

Tomorrow I will show all of you how to start one of these beauties...

Happy Easter

Thursday, April 21, 2011

(check out her blog. she's awesome like possums.)

Esme had her walk in the rain/snow(stupid minnesota) today.
I didn't have my camera near by so I opened the front door and yelled 
"Esme, I want to take a picture of you! Just stay there till I get back!"

So I ran,upstairs,then back downstairs.(heavy breathing),
snapped a few and yelled my thanks.
She just smiled and waved,like a good sport.

She's kinda cute.
I think I 'll keep her.

farewell readers(if there are any readers)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Toms are cool.

Click here to become cooler(and to give shoes to a child in need)

peace inner net

Monday, April 18, 2011

Ah! I missed two days!

Please please please forgive me!
I feel as if I neglected a child when i didn't post anything...

Heres a photo to make it up to you.

Kinda freaky...

later kidos